Active Member
Topics: 4 / Replies: 10
RE: Premiere Not Loading File

Aaaah. That's even better than the transcode to YUV I had started. Thanks again!

8 years ago
Answer to: Premiere Not Loading File

After discussions in other threads earlier today, I decided to try something, and I downsampled the footage from RGBA to YUV 4:2:2. And now it's loadi...

8 years ago
RE: Premiere Not Loading File

Here's a five second clip from the start of the video. The audio does something funny here, and the video seems to freeze even in VLC for a minute. Af...

8 years ago
RE: Colorspace effect on bitrate of raw footage?

Thanks for the tip! I'll make sure to do that.

8 years ago
RE: Premiere Not Loading File

I can do that this evening, sure. At my day job right now. 🙂

8 years ago
RE: Small-time Youtuber 🙂

Here's one of the videos from a year or so ago:

8 years ago
RE: Small-time Youtuber 🙂

There's some old videos on my channel about my game, but I'm currently completely redesigning the game, because my initial plans weren't fun once I s...

8 years ago
RE: Small-time Youtuber 🙂

Yup. Unity is what I'm learning, although I'll probably try other engines at some point too. There's no such thing as a single engine that's the best ...

8 years ago
RE: Premiere Not Loading File

Not /sure/ if this is relevant, but I realized today I /may/ have set my colorspace higher than I really need for what I'm doing. Since it was set tha...

8 years ago
Answer to: 2.0 Changelog?

Awesome. Thanks for making a great codec. 🙂

8 years ago