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Amazing Codec

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Bought few days ago Ultimate version. I must say I am really impressed.

My plan is to work on 4k Videos. For now I been making videos using FRAPS and only 1080p resolution. Well Fraps didn't work out good for 4k, and honestly I love when I get content from the games, using RGB lossless capture.

So I decided to try out MagicYUV, and I can say, man this is such amazing codec 🙂
I run Intel I7 75930K, GTX980TI GPU and for recording storage I'm using 2x Seagate 6TB HDD in Raid0. Overall write speed is 400mbit/sec, what is looks like enough.

With overall performance I'm recording, World of Warcraft content in 4k, all on ultra, with MagicYUV RGB, without problems.

Keep up good work! This codec is the best you can get for recording in-game content, with good quality and performance!

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Thanks for your comments, glad it works nicely for you.

In the general case, recording gameplay is usually sufficient using the YUV 4:2:0 variant of the codec, which gets less than half the bitrate of the RGB variant.

If you really want the highest quality, but still reduce bitrate, YUV 4:4:4 is a very good option, as it retains all the chroma (no subsampling), but still compresses better than direct RGB. So you might want to try that too.

EDIT: What software do you use for recording BTW?

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Dxtory 🙂

Any better software out for recording ?
